Hello everyone! You might be wondering why this charming face is on your screen today. And no, I'm not auditioning for the next Hollywood movie....... yet.

I'm here to talk about something near and dear to my heart - Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or as I like to call it, OI, because who has time for tongue twisters, right?

So, what am I doing? Let me BREAK it down for you, pun intended. You see, I'm on a mission to help research OI. Yes, that's right, I'm diving headfirst into the world of bone-related shenanigans. But why, you ask? Besides the fact that I'm practically a walking encyclopedia of fractures...

I've been dealing with OI since the day I popped into this world. Over 100 fractures and counting! Beat that Guinness World Records!

But here's the kicker, when I have a problem, I can't just waltz into any old hospital and expect them to have the OI Handbook ready to go. And to top it all, there needs to be more new research happening to help cure this disease. Nope, most doctors and professionals haven't had much experience with OI, which leaves me feeling like a unicorn in a world of horses.

So, what's a guy with more broken bones than a mummy to do? Simple, we're setting up a fellowship grant to support research in OI and get more doctors to focus on this field. And where's all that going? Straight to the Canadian OI Society, baby!

Because let's face it, the OI community needs all the help it can get. There are hundreds of people out there just like me, dealing with OI and not getting the support they need. It's like trying to build a sandcastle without a shovel, frustrating and downright impossible.

Canada is at the forefront of this mission. We have incredible researchers like Dr. Francis Glorieux at the Shriners Hospital in Montreal who have been making waves in the field of OI research. But their work often flies under the radar, and that's where we can make a difference.

By supporting the newly established Dr. Glorieux fellowship through the Canadian OI Society, you're not just helping me – you're joining a movement to change the lives of hundreds of people living with OI. Together, we can ensure that every person with OI receives the support and care they deserve.

So, while giving me the ultimate 16th birthday gift, let's join hands to create something truly impactful. Skip the socks and ties, and let's invest in a future where OI is no longer a barrier to living life to the fullest.

What are you waiting for? Let's make some magic happen and pave the way for a brighter future for everyone battling OI!

COIS is a registered Canadian charity CRA #11883 4928 RR0001
All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.